
13 Questions

13 Questions to Ask Your Employer


1. What are the dangers of my job? 

2. Who will be training me in job safety? 

3. Is there any safety equipment (PPEs) I need to wear? Do I have to buy them? 

4. Who do I ask if I have health and safety questions? Is there a Health and Safety Committee or Health and Safety Representative?

5. What are my health and safety responsibilities? 

6. What do I do if a co-worker or I get hurt? 

7. Do we have a first aid kit? Is there a First Aid Officer? 

8. What are the emergency procedures and where is the emergency equipment? 

9. How do I report a health and safety issue? 

10. Do we have health and safety meetings? 

11. What is our harassment policy? 

12. Am I covered by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB)? 

13. Do I have a union, and if yes, who is my Union Steward?